Sunday, July 11, 2010

A Proper Complete Oil Change and Inspection

Recipe of a proper oil change

No I am not going to beat to death the importance of regular oil changes, as most people driving today have been well educated in its importance.

What I have come to realize is that most folks don’t recognize what a proper professional oil change consists of. And its importance to the rest of your vehicle’s health. As you will see it goes far deeper than just changing the engine oil and filter.

Here is the list of what should be done every 5000km’s or every three months.

  1. Change engine oil and oil filter. Check air filter condition.
  2. Grease all grease fittings on steering and suspension. For a number of years car companies quit using grease fittings. But in recent years they have started making the components greasable again. Keeping them lubricated will save you big money.
  3. Checking all upper and lower fluid levels, and the condition of the fluids. This includes transmission, transfercase, front and rear differentials, power steering, brake fluid, and engine coolant. If any of these fluids get to low or contaminated the damage that results can quickly add up to thousands of dollars needed for repairs for each unit.
  4. Check all universal and axle joints for play
  5. Checking parking brake cables for proper operation, when these cables seize they can leave your parking brake partially applied, causing the brakes to drag and prematurely burning out your brake pads or shoes. Some folks say “ I never use the park brake so this does not apply to me”. Good in theory till you lend out the vehicle and the new driver uses the park brake and it seizes fully on, needing an expensive tow truck. Or worse yet the new driver unfamiliar with the way the vehicle feels, just drives for miles with the brakes applied, frying the brakes system, then needing very expensive repairs.
  6. Tire pressures and condition of tires. I can’t believe how often I find low tire pressures, this causes premature wear of the tires and hurts gas mileage immensely.
  7. Checking the operation of exterior lights, this could easily help prevent you from being in an accident.
  8. Checking the exhaust system for loose clamps, hangers, and holes.
  9. Checking brake hoses and lines for wear. No one likes losing their brakes un expectedly.
  10. Checking the condition of engine belts and hoses. It will cost you a lot less to replace weak belts or hoses before they break and leave you stranded, or worse yet destroy your motor.
  11. Visually checking the complete undercarriage for abnormalities. Some of these items checked can have a minor effect on vehicle operation. But the old adage “ a stitch in time saves nine” holds true.

About Cost

I am often asked, why are oil changes in Invermere or other small towns so expensive as compared to the quickie lube places in the cities??

Well, here in town when you get an oil change it is most likely being performed by a licensed mechanic or a registered apprentice with years of experience. At most quick lube places and even some city dealerships often the person doing the work is a young kid off the street getting paid minimum wage with no formal training. Who do you think is going to do a more thorough inspection? Did I mention the cost difference is usually under twenty dollars? Like most things in life, you get what you pay for. Considering that for most people the only time the car is in the shop is during an oil change, it deserves a good look over.

Still not convinced? Picture this; you are motoring up the Cocahala highway when a coolant hose that was weak and missed by the quickie lube place, leaks causing the engine to overheat to its destruction. You are now faced with the expense of new motor, towing, rental car, hotel room, etc. this could easily cost $5000.00 plus your abrupt change of plans. That $20.00 looks pretty good now. And yes this does happen.

My brother in-law

I did regular oil changes for him for a number of years and then I realized it had been about a year since I last worked on his truck. I did not know if he was mad at me, as it would not be the first time some one got mad at a mechanic. Or was he short of money?

I got a call from him at home late one night. He was very distressed as his truck came to a screeching stop and he thought from all the smoke that the back end of his truck was on fire. It turns out that he had been doing his own oil changes to save some money. He had not noticed that the rear differential seal had been leaking oil for some time. He did not know to check the oil level when doing his oil change. If he had been checking it he could have had the seal replaced for about $100.00. But it ended up costing over $2000.00 to have all the gears and bearings in the differential changed. He has now decided to leave it to the professionals, and that he can save more money by going golfing.

If you do your own servicing please perform all the above checked mentioned here.

Till next time take care.

Rick Ede

Autowyze Services Inc.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Welcome to the blog for Autowyze Services

We perform provincial insurance inspections

Click here to go to our main website

Phone 250-342-6614

185 Laurier street
Invermere B.C.